Dear Brothers & Sisters, shalom! We would need your support for Global Aliyah. We started Global Aliyah in 2014 to assist those who can make Aliyah (repatriate to Israel) only through official DNA tests and professional counseling. Global Aliyah helps them to navigate the minefield of the Israeli bureaucracy and assists them in proving to Israeli authorities their eligibility for Aliyah. 亲爱的兄弟姐妹们,平安! 我们需要您对 全球阿利亚行动 的支持。我们于 2014 年启动了 Global Aliyah,旨在帮助那些只能通过官方 DNA 测试和专业咨询才能实现 Aliyah(遣返以色列)的人。全球回归帮助他们避开以色列官僚机构的雷区,并协助他们向以色列当局证明他们有资格获得回归。 Here’s a story of Elizabeth (Heilpern) Finch, whom we were able to help to make Aliyah. 这是伊丽莎白·芬奇 (Heilpern) Finch 的故事,我们帮助她实现了回归。 |
I am reaching out to you as a single voice among the many individuals whose lives have been profoundly touched by the unwavering generosity of Global Aliyah. I am writing to you from Jerusalem, a city that not too long ago was but an impossible dream; today, it stands as a reality and is now my home. This transformation stands as a vibrant testament to the immense influence, dedication, and support provided by Global Aliyah. 在许多人中,我作为一个声音向你们伸出援手,你们的生活被全球回归坚定不移的慷慨所深深感动。我从耶路撒冷给你写信,这座城市不久前还只是一个不可能实现的梦想;今天,它已成为现实,成为我的家。这一转变有力地证明了 Global Aliyah 所提供的巨大影响力、奉献精神和支持。 The support I received was not just instrumental; it was the very foundation that allowed me to navigate the intricacies of the Israeli legal system, woven through with red tape and complicated barriers of bureaucracy. Global Aliyah became the steady hand that guided me through. When I arrived in Israel, I had this deep longing to call it my home, even though I had no clue about the whole immigration journey. You see, my background is a bit intricate—I come from a Jewish family, but life’s twists led me to be raised in a Christian household after being separated from my birth family at the tender age of six. Reuniting with my Jewish family as I grew older stirred this intense desire to find my place within the Jewish people and in Israel, while not abandoning my own faith. This journey was crucial for me; it was about finding my place without being forced to forsake my own faith and journey. My family was incredibly supportive of my decision to connect with my Jewish roots and fulfill the ultimate dream of immigrating to Israel. They rallied behind me, providing every possible document to validate my Jewish heritage. However, the moment I set foot in Israel, the complex tapestry of my life story seemed to cause confusion and bureaucratic hurdles. Despite the steadfastness of the law in my favor, the journey was far from straightforward. 当我到达以色列时,我深深地渴望把它称为我的家,尽管我对整个移民旅程一无所知。你看,我的背景有点复杂——我来自一个犹太家庭,但生活的曲折使我在六岁时与原生家庭分离后,在一个基督教家庭中长大。随着年龄的增长,与犹太家庭的团聚激起了我在犹太人和以色列中找到自己的位置的强烈愿望,同时又不放弃自己的信仰。这段旅程对我来说至关重要;这是关于找到我的位置而不被迫放弃我自己的信仰和旅程。我的家人非常支持我决定与我的犹太血统联系起来并实现移民以色列的最终梦想。他们团结在我身后,提供一切可能的文件来证实我的犹太血统。然而,当我踏上以色列的那一刻,我复杂的人生故事似乎引起了混乱和官僚障碍。尽管法律对我有利,但我的旅程却远非一帆风顺。 This is where Global Aliyah stepped in. From day one in Israel, they were right there beside me. They didn’t just help me navigate the process, but they’ve been by my side through all the years that followed—offering guidance, acting as a supportive counselor, and even extending financial aid during the tough times. They became that guiding light I needed, a true friend who understood the intricacies of my situation and stood unwaveringly with me because they believe that every Jewish person is worthy of support. This is why I am so pleased to say that they deserve our support. 这就是 Global Aliyah 介入的地方。从来到以色列的第一天起,他们就在我身边。他们不仅帮助我度过了整个过程,而且在接下来的几年里一直陪伴在我身边——提供指导,充当支持性顾问,甚至在困难时期提供经济援助。他们成为我需要的指路明灯,一个真正的朋友,了解我错综复杂的处境,并坚定不移地与我站在一起,因为他们相信每个犹太人都值得支持。这就是为什么我很高兴地说他们值得我们的支持。 My story is just one example of the many people whose dream of making Aliyah is entangled in bureaucratic red tape, desperately seeking a way to call Israel their home. As someone who has personally experienced the incredible impact of Global Aliyah, I can genuinely attest that their dedication goes beyond the norm. Their commitment to individuals like me, who have intricate stories and face legal hurdles, is unparalleled. I’ve searched high and low, and I haven’t come across another organization that even comes close to offering this kind of comprehensive support. In embracing Global Aliyah, you’re not just aiding an organization; you’re playing a pivotal role in eternity. Your support empowers dreams, cuts through obstacles, and lights the path home. I’m immensely grateful for this chance to share my journey, and I thank you for considering the profound impact your support can bring. 我的故事只是许多人的一个例子,他们的回归梦想被官僚主义的繁文缛节所纠缠,他们拼命寻找一种将以色列称为家园的方法。作为亲身经历过“全球回归”令人难以置信的影响的人,我可以真诚地证明他们的奉献精神超出了常态。他们对像我这样有着复杂故事并面临法律障碍的人的承诺是无与伦比的。我到处寻找,但没有遇到另一个组织能够提供这种全面的支持。在接受“全球回归”时,您不仅仅是在帮助一个组织;您还帮助了一个组织。你在永恒中扮演着关键的角色。您的支持赋予梦想力量,冲破障碍,照亮回家之路。我非常感谢有这个机会分享我的旅程,也感谢您考虑您的支持可能带来的深远影响。 With heartfelt appreciation, Elizabeth (Heilpern) Finch Please support the return of Jewish People to Israel. Many blessings, Albert & Heli |
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