
Prepare for this year’s Global Feast of Tabernacles by joining today’s Feast Webinar; Discover the Druze communities in Israel; Learn about Tish B’Av; and visit our ICEJ store online!


Feast Webinars Every Friday! – 每周五盛宴网络研讨会!

Today is our very first Feast webinar, and we will have a new Feast webinar every Friday leading up to the Feast of Tabernacles! We are kicking it off with a testimony from our brother in Egypt, Hossam Nabil, about the miracle of rain in Egypt that occurred during last year’s Feast of Tabernacles!

今天是我们的第一个盛宴网络研讨会,我们将在每个星期五举行一个新的盛宴网络研讨会,直到住棚节。 我们以埃及兄弟霍萨姆·纳比尔(Hossam Nabil)的证词作为开场白,讲述了去年的住棚节期间发生的埃及降雨的奇迹!

Lifting the Druze of Israel

Over the decades, the ICEJ has seen the great importance of assisting all the different peoples living in the Land of Israel, including minorities, in order to strengthen Israeli society as a whole. This has led the Christian Embassy to forge a close partnership over the past eight years with Druze leaders in the North, which is not only lifting the Druze community but also has become a strong point of reconciliation between Jews and Arabs overall.

在过去的几十年中,ICEJ看到了协助居住在以色列土地上的所有不同民族,包括少数民族,以增强整个以色列社会的重要性。 这导致基督教大使馆在过去八年中与北方的德鲁兹领导人建立了紧密的伙伴关系,这不仅提升了德鲁兹社区的地位,而且已成为犹太人与阿拉伯人整体和解的重点。

First of all, you may ask: “Who are the Druze people?”

The Druze are a unique people indigenous to the Middle East who claim descent back to Jethro, the father-in-law of Moses in the Bible. Many centuries ago, they fled the deserts of Midian and found refuge on several high mountain ridges in today’s Israel, Lebanon and Syria – including the Carmel, Galilee and Hermon ranges. Although they speak Arabic, they retain their own ethnic identity. In addition, the Druze are not Muslims but have their own secretive religion which some scholars say contains a mix of Islam, Gnosticism and Greek philosophy. And in general, they tend to be very loyal to the rulers in the land where they live.


德鲁兹人是中东特有的独特民族,他们声称其血统可以追溯到圣经中摩西的岳父叶father罗。 许多世纪以前,他们逃离了米甸沙漠,并在今天的以色列,黎巴嫩和叙利亚的数座高山山脊上避难,其中包括卡梅尔,加利利和黑门山脉。 尽管他们说阿拉伯语,但保留了自己的种族身份。 此外,德鲁兹人不是穆斯林,而是拥有自己的秘密宗教,一些学者说,该宗教融合了伊斯兰教,诺斯替教和希腊哲学。 通常,他们倾向于忠于其居住地的统治者。

Points to Ponder This Tish B’Av – 思考这个问题的要点

Beginning next Wednesday evening (29 July), the Jewish world will mark Tish B’Av, an annual day of mourning and fasting to lament the uncanny series of tragedies which have befallen their people on this singular date in history. Regarded as the saddest day on the Jewish calendar, Tish B’Av (“Ninth of Av”) primarily recalls the destructions of the two Temples in Jerusalem. But this day also witnessed a long litany of other major Jewish calamities which should give us all pause for much thought and reflection even amid our own current Corona plague.

According to the Talmud, this day of mourning is warranted due to five specific disasters in Jewish history which all occurred on the Ninth of Av…

从下一个星期三晚上(7月29日)开始,犹太世界将纪念Tish B’Av,这是一年一度的哀悼和禁食日,以哀悼在这一历史上奇异的日子里堕落了其人民的一系列悲剧。 犹太历法被认为是犹太历法中最难过的一天,主要回顾耶路撒冷两个神殿的毁灭。 但是这一天也见证了其他犹太大灾难的漫漫长路,即使在我们当前的新冠病毒瘟疫中,我们也应该停下来进行深思熟虑和反思。 历史都发生在七月九日 ( 犹太历的时间 )



Resources About The Feast! – 关于盛宴的资源!

The Feast of Tabernacles is only a couple months away, and the ICEJ online store has many Feast-related resources to help you learn more about this Feast of the Lord!

One great book is “The Basis of Christian Support For Israel”. The Basis of Christian support for Israel is found in the Abrahamic covenant which revealed God’s love for the world and His plan to establish a people through which to redeem the world.

Another great read is “A Christian Guide to the Jewish Festival of Sukkot”. This book will give you a deeper appreciation for this Biblical Holiday.

Click on the photos above for more details of each product, and click the link below to discover other great items at our ICEJ store!


