New Era @Chuck Pierce (final part)
Listen to the wind word, the Spirit blowing through the churches. This era is about exploding into new kingdom movement out of the old church structure.
Judah is the apostolic prophetic team that knows how to use sound to penetrate conflict on earth so God can release gift on earth.
China is not a liberty nation yet it has a big kingdom people on earth. We are living in an era of dichotomy between China as a nation and Chinese in the Kingdom of God.
Though there is economic warfare God is showing us how to profit in a new way . God has raised a new remnant to go to war, develop strategy and invade the enemy’s camp.
WE must be a people dressed and clothed in God’s glory to see the curses (absence of God’s glory) overthrown as we advance in God in a new way.
The next 6 years are key to develop a new harvest on earth. What tried to stop you in the last 7 years, now in the next 7 years you advance.
God show China from 2020 – 2026 China and the Chinese people become the focus of the Lord in the earth realm.
The Chinese government is controlling the move of the Holy Spirit among the Chinese Christians. But there’s new anointing for timing.
The Spirit of revelation will rest on all the Chinese blood all over the world. Church in China will gain favour as they were brought (like Joseph) to a new place.
But it won’t be without a war. But the church releases revelation through sound and worship to create a new paradigm for worship so Judah (the apostolic prophetic) can go forth.
Antichrist structure will try to stop the prophetic and detach us from Israel. There will also be oppression of women and ethnic domination.
The enemy is building his throne of rule to oppress God’s people therefore we must be shrewder than the enemy to go forward and bring change with angelic help.
The Chinese church are coming into kingdom faith expression for it to affect the world. IT will be a church that creates a new move of harvest on earth.
Chinese government is becoming oppressive and at the same time becoming the economic power on earth. By August we see much conflict but at the same time new opening for God’s people.
The people of God should host a day for sound in the coming feast of Tabernacle. Chinese from Indonesia, Korea, Philippines, Taiwan and China are expecting to rise up. In the last 70 years all the scattering will be broken. Ezekiel 36 & 37 are the very key. Land will be linked to reformation.
未来6年是在地球上发展新收成的关键,在过去的 7 年中阻止您前进的原因是什么,现在在接下来的 7 年中您前进了!
上帝给了中国得以展示从 2020 年至 2026 年的时间,中国和中国人民会成为世界的焦点。中国政府控制着圣灵在中国基督徒中间的迁移。
中国教会正在进入王国的信仰时代,以影响世界。 IT 将成为一座在地球上创造收割新动作的教堂,中国政府变得更压迫,同时也成为世界上的经济强国。
到八月,我们会看到许多冲突,但同时又为上帝的子民打开了新的大门。上帝的子民应该在即将到来的帐幕节期,当守一日为鸣音的日子。印尼、韩国、菲律宾、台湾的华人,中国正期待着崛起。在过去的 70 年里,所有的散射都将被打破。以西结 36 和 37 是关键。土地将与改革挂钩。