From: Dr Graham McLennan <>
Date: 6 May 2020 at 03:21:56 AEST
To: <>
Subject: The Shaking of Nations and Individuals. Some Free Resources. Reaching the Nations.
Israel’s Restoration-the San Remo Centenary. Lyle Shelton’s Book…
Reply-To: <>
But you have come to Mount Zion, to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem. You have come to thousands upon thousands of angels in joyful assembly, to the church of the firstborn, whose names are written in heaven. You have come to God, the Judge of all, to the spirits of the righteous made perfect, to Jesus the mediator of a new covenant, and to the sprinkled blood that speaks a better word than the blood of Abel.
See to it that you do not refuse him who speaks. If they did not escape when they refused him who warned them on earth, how much less will we, if we turn away from him who warns us from heaven? At that time his voice shook the earth, but now he has promised, “Once more I will shake not only the earth but also the heavens.” The words “once more” indicate the removing of what can be shaken—that is, created things—so that what cannot be shaken may remain.
Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe,(for our “God is a consuming fire.”[
The Shaking of Nations and Individuals.
In the times that the Bible describes as the end times or the last days, there will be a season in which God will shake everything that can be shaken. Nations will be shaken. Buildings will be shaken. Monetary systems will be shaken.
In this sermon, Bible teacher Derek Prince asks the questions: what is the purpose of these things? The purpose is that the world will see that the only thing that really remains steadfast, is the Kingdom of God.
Derek Prince in this 77 minute teaching video explains more about judgement and the shaking of nations and individuals.
For most of us we already know the relevant scriptures but this is an excellent and sobering reminder well worth our time to reflect and act on.
Some Free Resources during Lockdown.
Australian Bible Society
Bible Society have created a resource landing page to help people engage with the Bible during this tough period of COVID-19.
We have been blessed to obtain Bible resources from our partners as well as creating some ourselves. All the resources on this landing page are free. There will be something for everyone on the page, so please have a look, use and share the page with people. The resources include:
Kids and Youth resources from animations and videos to curriculum and work sheets
Online events to help youth have their questions answered
Free Gospels, NT and other resources such as Meet Jesus by Mike Raiter
Help with taking your Church gathering online
The link for the Bible Society page is here
Global Recordings Network
GRN has some free Sunday School material and teaching resources available.
If you, your church or anyone you know could make use of it please share this link.
Praying and Reaching the Nations
We have an unprecedented opportunity with the COVID-19 outbreak causing people to consider eternity. This is our time to share the good news of Jesus.
During the month of May, the Canberra Declaration is taking part in the GO2020 global initiative. We encourage you to pray and reach out to five people with the Gospel and ask your friends to do the same. The goal is to reach one billion people with the message of God’s love in JESUS in the month of May.
Already twenty million people prayed online recently throughout the world in numerous languages. The largest number were from India!
Israel’s Restoration and San Remo
Learn about the significance of the meeting in San Remo Italy a century ago from the 19 to the 26 April 1920. This video of 43 minutes by Kelvin Crombie Heritage Resources, describes the background to the birth of the new Israel.
Lyle Shelton’s New Book
‘I Kid You Not’: Notes from 20 Years in the Trenches of the Culture Wars — Lyle Sh
Release Date June 2020 – pre-order before JUNE 1 and get your copy personally signed by Lyle Shelton. Paperback, 250 pages, ISBN: 9781925826951, $29.95 rrp.
Lyle Shelton takes readers on a rare behind-the-scenes tour of culture wars. “I Kid You Not”, is because the Left has gotten away with things most Australians would find incredible, if only they knew. Before #MeToo, Shelton fought the legalised sexual abuse of young women.
On human rights for the unborn, his revelations of politicians turning a blind eye to the evil of eugenics is shocking. He details the bombing of the Australian Christian Lobby’s office and its poor handling by the Australian Federal Police. Chapters on “Safe Schools” and the 2017 marriage plebiscite are a sad tale of what could have been.
Shelton ends with a compelling call for good people to rise and pay the price for a better future.
To order Lyle’s book click here
John Anderson’s Conversations
It is now over two years since the former deputy Prime Minister of Australia launched his video podcast series: Conversations with John Anderson.
To commemorate this milestone they have put together this highlights show summarising the series so far.
THIS IS EXCELLENT. 53 Minutes of Great Compilations from his Conversations.
主题:国家和个人的动摇 – 一些免费资源,以色列的复兴 – 圣雷莫百年纪念。莱尔·谢尔顿的书…
因此,既然我们正在接受一个不可动摇的王国,那就让我们感恩,并以崇敬和敬畏的态度敬拜上帝(因为我们的“上帝是烈火”。( 希伯来书12:22/28 )
德里克·普林斯(Derek Prince)在这段77分钟的教学视频中,详细介绍了审判以及民族和个人的动摇。
免费福音,新约和其他资源,例如Mike Raiter的《认识耶稣》
了解一个世纪前的1920年4月19日至26日在意大利圣雷莫举行的会议的意义。该视频由Kelvin Crombie Heritage Resources进行,时长43分钟,描述了新以色列诞生的背景。
“我不骗你”:文化战争战20中20年的笔记-莱尔·谢尔顿(Lyle Shelton)
Jim Wallace AM准将的前言(Retd)
发布日期2020年6月-6月1日前预订,并由Lyle Shelton亲自签名。平装本,250页,ISBN:9781925826951,29.95美元rrp。
澳大利亚前副总理约翰·安德森(John Anderson)推出视频播客系列节目《对话》(Conversations)已经两年多了。