Day 17


Creator, glorify Yourself through the mercy You shower on Your land. Supply water to sustain life, for which we depend wholly on You.

Thank you for water saving technologies You have enabled Israel to develop and share with the world.

“The Lord will open to you His treasure, the heavens, to give the rain on your land in its season and to bless all the work of your hands. And you shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow.” (Deut. 28:12).

“And He will give rain for the seed with which you sow the ground , and bread, the pproduce of the ground, which will be rich and plenteous. In that day your livestock will graze in large pastures. ” (Isaiah 30:23).

17. 雨水:



你将种子撒在地理,主必降雨在其上, 并使地所出的粮肥美丰盛。到那时,你的牲畜必在宽阔的草场吃草。” (以赛亚书30:23)
