Day 14
Shield of Abraham, would you protect the Jews living in settlements from terror and other forms of military invasion. Expose and dismantle violent conspiracies, tunnels and never-before-seen modes of attack. Expose the lies condemning Israeli settlements as illegal. Draw Palestinians to faith in Jesus and to an embrace of Israel.
Implement true and righteous justice between them and Israel. Expose the errors and evils of Palestinian Christian theologies that teach God’s covenant with Israel has expired. Protect, strengthen and embolden the Palestinian remnant following You in Spirit and in truth.
Raise up Palestinian leaders who seek genuine peace, discern honest justice, and operate with wisdom. Do not allow Israel’s land to be wrongly divided, for “I know You can do all things; no plan of Yours can be thwarted” (Job 42:2). Graciously thwart invasion of the West Bank by ISIS, Hamas, and other groups seeking to destroy the Jewish state. Mercifully spare Israel from a false peace treaty with the Palestinian people. Protect, strengthen and embolden Messianic Jews living in Judea and Samaria.
吸引巴勒斯坦人相信耶稣拥抱你对以色列的计划, 在他们与以色列之间施行真实和公义的判断。揭露某些人在巴勒斯坦基督教神学中教导上帝与以色列的盟约已经过期的错误和邪恶。
在灵里和真理上加力量给巴勒斯坦跟随你的馀民。兴起巴勒斯坦领袖们能寻求真正的和平,能正确地分辨并诚实地判断,能有智慧行事。不要让以色列的土地被错误地分割,因为“我知道你万事都能做,你的旨意不能拦阻”(约伯记 42 : 2 )。施怜悯拯救以色列免于与巴勒斯坦人签订虚假的和平条约。保护、加强和鼓励居住在犹太和撒玛利亚的弥赛亚犹太人。