Day 3
I/We pray for all those in positions of authority in Israel, that Your people may lead peaceable lives in godliness and reverence towards You (1 Timothy. 2:1-4). The Israeli government is on Your shoulders (Isaiah. 9:6) and there are no authorities except those You appoint (Romans. 13:1).
Raise up and protect national, regional and city leaders whose hearts fear You. Give them supernatural wisdom and strength to govern rightly, for the kings’ hearts are in Your hands (Proverbs. 21:1).
Surround Israel’s “kings” with wise counselors who discern Your ways. Replace contention and confusion with divine order. Enable the branches of government to work together in unity for the good of Your people, according to Your will. Please bring all changes needed in the government system for effective, efficient and righteous leadership. Expose and cleanse from the government all corruption. Raise up godly authorities in the realms of military, media, education, health, business and religion. Protect and empower them.
3 以色列的領袖們:我為以色列所有在位掌权者禱告,叫百姓能向着你在圣洁和敬畏中平安度日(提摩太前书2:1-4)。政權担在你的肩上(以賽亚书 9:6),一切的權柄都是你所指定的(罗马书 13:1)。
因此,求你在中央、地方和城市興起和保護那些敬畏你的領袖們。賜他們超自然的智慧與力量治理得當,因為王的心如壟溝的水在你手中(箴言书 21:1)。