United with Israel
Richard Branson arrived in the Jewish state to launch Virgin Atlantic’s new direct route to Israel from the UK.
British billionaire businessman Sir Richard Branson, the chairman of Virgin Atlantic, arrived in Israel on Wednesday to inaugurate the airline’s new route from London’s Heathrow Airport to Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv.
Branson exited the plane with flight attendants waving Israeli and British flags and then bent down and kissed the ground.
He praised Israel’s entrepreneurial spirit and advances in space technology
Branson said that he opposes boycotts and that his company is “invested” in both Israel and the Palestinian sector, reported i24 News.
He also noted that the addition of this route will help push down airline fares to and from Israel.
The flight from London to Tel Aviv takes five hours, and will be served by Virgin’s Airbus A330-300 aircraft.
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理查德·布兰森(Richard Branson)到达犹太国家,开通了维珍航空(Virgin Atlantic)从英国到以色列的新直航航线。
英国亿万富翁商人,维珍航空(Virgin Atlantic)董事长理查德·布兰森(Richard Branson)爵士周三抵达以色列,为航空公司开通了从伦敦希思罗机场到特拉维夫本古里安机场的新航线揭幕。