(摘自喬納word for the week, Week 1, 2019)
轉載、轉寄 請註明出處:國度禱告網








倘若根據天堂觀點內戰是成功的,就不會產生民權運動(Civil Rights Movement),也不會有許多我們目前仍在抗爭的衝突。美國可能鎮壓了叛亂並結束奴隸制度,這是有必要的,卻沒有全然戰勝,建立全體性的公義與平等。除非有給所有人的公義和自由,否則我們便沒有完成身為國家的目的。這即是何以革命戰爭與內戰需要再次開打,直到得著根據天堂觀點的『成功』結局。





The Second American Revolutionary/Civil War
Week 1, 2019
Rick Joyner

On December 14, 2018, I had a dream about various attacks coming upon our country. I was also shown those who would be sent out to counter each one.

In the dream, I was waiting in line to be sent to fight one of these enemies when I was approached by an angel and told that I had a different assignment. I was then taken to a large device that was showing “A History of The American Republic from Heaven’s Perspective.”

As I watched this, I saw that if I walked across the face of this device, to my right the times progressed toward the present. I decided to go to the end to see heaven’s perspective on what was happening now. When I came to the present, there was a sentence written in brilliant glowing golden letters: “The Second American Revolutionary/Civil War is inevitable, it is right, and it will be successful.”

From what I had seen as I walked to see the present, I understood why this Revolutionary/Civil War was “inevitable” and why it was “right.” As I stood pondering this, feeling that this might be the most important revelation I had ever been trusted with, I woke up. I felt that I had been given access to this history of “The American Republic” from heaven’s perspective, and that I would be going back to it for more understanding to help us prepare for what is to unfold.

We are already in the first stages of “The Second American Revolutionary/Civil War.” I know this leads to many questions, such as: What are the sides? What are the issues? What is right about it? Most important of all, what does success in this war look like from heaven’s perspective?

As the saying goes, “If we do not change our direction we will end up where we are headed.” We don’t have to be a prophet to see that we’re headed for civil war. Even so, before the dream I felt that we still had a long way to go before it became “inevitable.” In the dream, I saw that we had already crossed that line and it is now upon us, so we must change our strategy from trying to avoid it to winning it. To do this, we must have heaven’s view of what winning looks like.

From heaven’s perspective, we did not win the Revolutionary War. From heaven’s perspective, that war was about more than just gaining our independence—it was about liberty and a revolution in the government of men that would establish and maintain liberty and justice for all. Some significant things were accomplished in this war, but there were also some very basic ways that it fell far short of what heaven viewed as successful. If the Founders had truly believed that all men were created equal—what they declared to be the reason for seeking independence—then slavery would not have been possible and the Civil War would not have been inevitable.

If the Civil War had been successful according to heaven’s perspective, then there would not have been a need for such things as the Civil Rights Movement or many of the conflicts we are still fighting. The Union may have prevailed in crushing the rebellion and ended slavery, which was essential, but it did not prevail in a way that established justice and equality for all. We will not accomplish our purpose as a nation until there is justice and liberty for all. This is why both the Revolutionary War and Civil War must be fought again until there is a “successful” conclusion according to heaven’s perspective.

In the American Republic, liberty and justice are not just skewed because of race, but they are also perverted by wealth, fame, politics, and other factors. If liberty and justice are distorted at all it will be in both directions. The wealthy may be able to afford lawyers that can get them out of just about anything, but their wealth can also make them targets. The same is true of the famous, the politically strong, etc.

Heaven does not expect anything on earth to be perfect in this age. In fact, the Scriptures state that even the best on the earth is but a shadow of the heavenly, and the best on the earth now will still be but a shadow of what is to come. However, when we are in the shadow of something, we are very close to the real. The American Republic is called to be much closer to liberty and the justice for all than we have yet attained. We are called to be an example of these to the nations, not an example of the dysfunction of government that we have now become.

We must also have heaven’s perspective on war. We tend to think of war as pitched battles between standing armies, but what is unfolding will not be like the Revolutionary War or the Civil War in that way. There are some parallels with those wars that will relate to our times, but many will not. However, this does not mean that what we are now facing will be easier. The whole world is entering the most trying times there has ever been. What we will be given to face them is a sure hope from above that the outcome will be “successful.”

For at least the first part of this year, I will be elaborating on the things I was shown in this dream.