Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord, Invitation to PROCLAIMING PENTECOST Prayer at C-HOP 4 June 2022 1-4pm
with Ps Noa Muranyi International Coordinator Proclaiming Pentecost Movement on the day of Pentecost 2022 with Revivalist Kul Bal of Fire & Reign Ministries gathering for Jesus to be highly EXALTED across Australia in our worship and prayers and believing for His outpouring of Holy Spirit and times of refreshing for God’s people as we return to Him with all our hearts. see Movement was founded by Lilian & Bjorn Schmid
Event: 1-4pm Oh, magnify the LORD with me, and let us EXALT His Name together Saturday 4 June 2022 gathering at C-HOP at 28, Guilfoyle St, Yarralumla, 2600

Prayer for Persecuted Church – 6.20pm Friday 17 June 2022 – please see below
Weekly Prayer for the Nation every Thursday 7-8am – all welcome
Coming up at C-HOP in July – Discipleship Focus:
5.30-7.00pm Friday 8 July Acts 2:42 meal – Jordan Mullen Speaking Please bring a plate of food & non alcoholic drink to share 7-9.30pm Prayer & Worship Night lead by Jordan & Elisa Mullen At: the Canberra House of Prayer, for All Nations 28, Guilfoyle Street, Yarralumla, ACT 2600

Harvest time – Evangelism, Discipleship & Prayer Walking Season Let’s continue: Praying through the Scriptures – Prophets & Psalms –Blessing Australia, the S Pacific Lands and Israel – Decree the South Lands of Holy Spirit as De Quiros prophesied from Vanuatu in 1606 & Pray for effective Holy Spirit empowered Evangelism and Discipleship in Australia, Israel & the nations -Ezekiel ch 36 & 37 -Calling forth the hearts of those who don’t yet know Jesus as Lord and Saviour to hunger and thirst for His Righteousness and Truth -to be open to receive Jesus for God’s end-time Kingdom Come purposes to be fulfilled in our generation.
Continue EXALTING JESUS = Consecration of our lives, city & nation to Him – Prayer before Gen Election – Pray as Esther did in Petitioning the King =we come to Jesus our King ASKING FOR THE LIFE OF OUR PEOPLE, AND CHILDREN, BABIES in the WOMB AND FOR THE HARVEST AND REVIVAL of souls, for the Lord’s Break through of every Haman system to be exposed & Jesus’ Kingdom Rule and Reign to prevail, the deep repentance of the shedding of innocent blood through abortion and for the knowledge of the MERCY and Glory of God our Good Father to cover Australia, the South Pacific Nations and the Earth as the Waters cover the Sea,. May we arise as True Faithful sons and daughters of the LIGHT who are willing and ready to cross over into this new season in the power and authority of Jesus’ Name. Rom 5:17
Let us Pray for:
- God’s Divine release & end of war in Ukraine and for God’s intervention in the South Pacific Islands
- Breakthrough in the Spirit Realm through Faith in Jesus in the Churches to PRAY for God to grant us Repentance
- Jesus’ Harvest of Souls and Discipleship to be released through Revival & Reformation of Holy Spirit outpouring
- Righteousness and Purity in the hearts of God’s people -Healing and Deliverance for your people to stand Strong & endure in these days
- Prayer Breakthrough & Reformation for our new Government, Church and Educational Leaders
- Preparation for the End Time Harvest – for God’s Destiny & Blue print to come forth, Jesus’ perfect will to be done, His Kingdom Come and His Righteousness to be exalted in this nation
Looking forward to seeing you on Saturday to Proclaim Pentecost and experience God’s beautiful Presence together.
We thank God that we are free to PRAY from across the Body of Christ to continue to live in Christian Faith and Freedom, and be prepared and inspired to share the Gospel of the Kingdom and to carry the Forgiveness of Christ to hurting hearts of so many in our city, that they might be saved, born again and truly nurtured and discipled in the Word of God by the Holy Spirit in the Body of Christ to live to serve God and others in our generation. Colosians 1:1-14. |