The Global Movement for Israel 

On the heels of a banner year for United with Israel, former Spanish Prime Minister José María Aznar became the 5-millionth follower of UWI, joining a fast-growing list of supporters from 170 countries worldwide.

Following a remarkably successful 2017, United with Israel, the world’s largest grassroots, pro-Israel community, has achieved a spectacular milestone. The fast-growing global movement now has five million followers on its main Facebook page, with former Spanish Prime Minister José María Aznar being the five-millionth.

“I feel honored to be part of the United with Israel family. Defending Israel is the best way to defend the Western world, its prosperity and security,” Aznar stated.

PM Netanyahu greets UWI Founder Michael Gerbitz at media conference in Jerusalem (Photo: UWI)

PM Netanyahu greets UWI Founder Michael Gerbitz at media conference in Jerusalem (Photo: UWI)

Aznar, who served as the 160th Prime Minister of Spain from 1996 to 2004, also served as president of “Friends of Israel,” a project launched in 2010 in defense of the State of Israel. Influential figures who have joined this project include Nobel Peace Prize laureate David Trimble, Italian philosopher Marcello Pera, former US Ambassador John Bolton, and others. Their key aim is to counter the growing efforts to delegitimize the State of Israel and its right to live in peace within safe and defensible borders.

Aznar is currently president of FAES (The Foundation for Social Studies and Analysis), a think tank which aims to create, promote and disseminate ideas based on political, intellectual and economic freedom, as well as to reinforce the values of freedom, democracy, rule of law, free market economy and Western humanism.

Using social media and the latest web technology, UWI has built a massive network of pro-Israel activists in order to promote unity with the People, Country and Land of Israel.

“The exponential impact of social media outreach is dramatic when our community of five million supporters gives us access to a billion people. This is exactly what’s needed to win Israel’s battle of public opinion throughout the world,” said UWI director Michael Gerbitz, who founded the organization in 2011. Within months – on March 4, 2012 – Prime Minister Netanyahu became its one millionth supporter.

Huckabee at UWI event

Gov. Mike Huckabee (L) and UWI founder Michael Gerbitz (R) and celebration of 3 million in Jerusalem in 2015. (UWI)

Less than three years later, Mike Huckabee, former governor of Arkansas, US presidential candidate (2008) and ardent supporter of Israel, ceremoniously became fan number 3,000,000 while attending UWI’s “Three Million Strong” celebration in Jerusalem.

Contributing to Israel’s Security

UWI members around the world back vital projects that benefit the people of Israel and enhance its security. In 2014, for example, during the war with Hamas, UWI – with the help of its generous supporters – provided relief to hundreds of Israel’s residents in the south. Since its inception, UWI has installed 19 portable bomb shelters to protect civilians living under fire. Notwithstanding the ceasefire, residents of the south continue to experience sporadic missile attacks from Gaza and rely on these shelters for safety.

UWI anti-terror vehicle (ATV)

Anti-terror vehicle (ATV) donated by United with Israel

In 2017, UWI contributed significantly to Israel’s security by donating state-of-the-art 4×4 ATV vehicles to an elite volunteer police unit that collaborates with other Israeli security forces. These specialized, compact, all-terrain vehicles, which can be maneuvered in tight spaces, were designed to pursue and capture terrorists before they can attack and are desperately needed to protect communities throughout Israel.

Other UWI initiatives include the annual Chanukah party for IDF soldiers at different army bases each year, where, thanks to the enthusiastic support of UWI members from around the world, these heroic young men and women, who protect the Jewish people and the State of Israel night and day, receive warm fleece jackets and other ‘warm winter’ gifts as a token of appreciation for everything they do throughout the year.

IDF chanukah party fleece jackets

UWI presented warm fleece jackets to IDF soldiers at 2017 Chanukah party. (UWI)

At this year’s Chanukah event, which took place at a unique anti-terror training base located in the middle of the Judean desert, hundreds of soldiers enjoyed a festive dinner complete with music, dancing and a candle-lighting ceremony. They received ‘warm winter’ fleece jackets as well as beautifully wrapped gift packages of Chanukah menorahs, candles, chocolates, assorted treats, and personal notes of support and encouragement from friends around the world.

“This comes with heartfelt thanks for your service,” one letter said. “We are in awe of what you give of yourself to protect Israel. Without you, Israel could not survive. We are filled with so much appreciation and 

pray for your safety every day. Thank you, thank you!!!”

内塔尼亚胡在耶路撒冷举行的媒体发布会上向UWI创始人Michael Gerbitz致意(图片来源:UWI)
内塔尼亚胡在耶路撒冷举行的媒体发布会上向UWI创始人Michael Gerbitz致意(图片来源:UWI)
“当我们有五百万支持者的社区让我们接触到十亿人时,社交媒体宣传的指数影响是显着的。这正是赢得以色列在全世界舆论战中所需要的。“UWI董事Michael Gerbitz说,他是2011年创立该组织的。几个月内 – – 2012年3月4日,内塔尼亚胡总理成为其第一百万支持者。
(UWI)董事Mike Huckabee(L)和UWI创始人Michael Gerbitz(R),并在2015年庆祝耶路撒冷300万人。
不到三年的时间,美国总统候选人(2008年)阿肯色州前州长Mike Huckabee和以色列的热情支持者,在耶路撒冷参加UWI“三百万强”庆典时,隆重成为粉丝数量300万。
2017年,UWI通过向与以色列其他安全部队合作的精锐志愿警察部队捐赠最先进的4×4 ATV车辆,为以色列的安全作出了重大贡献。这些专门的紧凑型全地形车辆可以在狭小的空间内进行操纵,目的是追捕恐怖分子,并在恐怖分子袭击之前亟需保护遍布以色列的社区。
UWI在2017年光明节派对上赠送温暖的羊毛外套给以色列国防军士兵。 (UWI)
一封信中说:“真心感谢您的服务。” “我们敬畏你自己保护以色列。没有你,以色列就无法生存。我们充满了欣赏和祈祷