World Israel News

Rivlin expressed shock over anti-Semitism displayed at a recent US white supremacist rally, but said American leaders would succeed in dealing with “this difficult challenge.”

Israeli President Reuven Rivlin expressed his “support and solidarity” in a letter to Malcolm Hoenlein, executive vice chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations and the wider American Jewish community.

“The very idea that in our time we would see a Nazi flag – perhaps the most vicious symbol of anti-Semitism – paraded in the streets of the world’s greatest democracy, and Israel’s most cherished and greatest ally is almost beyond belief,” Rivlin wrote in the missive.

“We have seen manifestations of anti-Semitism again and again arise across the world; in Europe and the Middle East. In the face of such evil, we stand now as we did then….With faith in humanity, with faith in democracy, and with faith in justice. I know that the great nation of the United States of America and its leaders will know how to face this difficult challenge, and prove to the world the robustness and strength of democracy and freedom.”

里夫林对近期美国白人至上主义者集会上显示的反犹情绪表示震惊, 但表示美国领导人将成功地应对 “这一艰巨挑战”。
以色列总统 Reuven 里夫林在写给美国主要犹太组织和更广泛的美国犹太社区总统会议的执行主席马尔科姆 Hoenlein 的信中表达了他的 “支持和声援”。
“在我们这个时代, 我们会看到一面纳粹旗帜–也许是反犹主义最恶毒的象征–在世界上最伟大的民主国家的街头游行, 而以色列最珍视和最伟大的盟友几乎无法相信,” 里夫林在信函中写道。
“我们已经看到反犹主义的表现, 再次出现在世界各地;在欧洲和中东地区。面对这样的罪恶, 我们现在就像当时那样……… 对人性的信念, 对民主的信仰, 对正义的信念。我知道, 美利坚合众国的伟大国家及其领导人将知道如何面对这一艰巨的挑战, 并向世界证明民主和自由的强健和力量。