A US aircraft carrier docked in the Israeli port of Haifa on Saturday, the first such visit in 17 years.

The USS George H. W. Bush, named for the World War II naval aviator and 41st US president, arrived in Haifa for a four-day stopover with a crew of about 5,700 sailors and pilots and some 90 planes. The crew will spend the Fourth of July in Israel.

Because of its massive size, the George H. W. Bush is unable to dock at Haifa’s port, but will remain offshore. Ferries will transport the crew to land.

The carrier, a Nimitz class nuclear-powered vessel, the world’s largest warship, was deployed to the Persian Gulf to serve as a base for air strikes against the Islamic State (ISIS) terror group in Syria. It has been in the region since February.

The George H.W. Bush Carrier Strike Group is on its 3rd deployment, the second in support of Operation Inherent Resolve against ISIS and maritime security operations in the US 5th and 6th fleet areas of responsibility.

On a visit to Israel in April, US Defense Secretary James Mattis said that Washington “maintains absolute and unwavering commitment to Israel’s security.”

“The two dangers that face Israel and all of the other nations in the region that are trying to maintain a stable and peaceful and prosperous region are those that I’m here to discuss with the Prime Minister,” Mattis added.

By: The Tower and United with Israel Staff


美国第二次世界大战海军飞行员和美国总统第四十一号美国乔治·布什(George H. W. Bush)抵达海法进行为期四天的中途停留,船员约五千七百名,水手及飞行员约90架次。 船员将在七月四日在以色列度过。

由于其规模庞大,乔治·布什无法停靠海法的港口,但仍将在海上。 渡轮将船员运送到陆地。

承运人尼米兹级核动力船是世界上最大的军舰,部署到波斯湾,作为对叙利亚伊斯兰国家(ISIS)恐怖组织进行空袭的基地。 自二月以来一直在该地区。

乔治H.W. 布什承运打击集团正在进行第三次部署,第二次支持在ISIS和海上安全行动中进行内部解决的行动,在美国第五和第六舰队责任领域。


