This Sunday, 72 nations are scheduled to gather in Paris to determine how Israeli land should be divided into a Palestinian state. As you can imagine or may already know, the meeting is of utmost significance. We cannot overstate its importance on a global or Kingdom level, nor can we overstate the call of God’s people to prayer. The nations could easily decide to enforce their land division decree militarily, and that could catapult us into an apocalyptic war.God is in control over the affiairs of nations, as we have shared in our last several blogs. But we too have a role in the matter – one of which is to align with His timing.
The alert below, describing the urgency of the situation, is adapted from an email released last week by our good friend and apostolic prayer leader in Jerusalem, Rick Ridings of Succat Hallel. Because I (Sandy) believe God showed me the same things Rick has been shown, we are passing his email along to you. We also include instructions on how you can join a global prayer call this coming Sunday. The call will take place at the same time the international talks occur to divide up Israel into a Palestinian state.
Rick writes:
I have felt strongly in recent days that Satan might try to send a major Middle East war, possibly even World War III, out of the Lord’s timing, in order to cut off a huge harvest in the Middle East and the nations. The urgency of this time period leading up to the major transition point of January 20 (when Obama is scheduled to leave the US Presidency) was underlined to me when I received the following prayer alert from my friend and colleague, Tomas Sandell, the Director of the European Coalition for Israel. The alert is entitled “17 Days that may determine the direction of 2017 and beyond”. I asked his permission to quote part of what he sent:
“As we prayed together at the ECI office in Helsinki today for the first time in 2017, the Lord suddenly gave a picture. I realized that the next 17 days (from 3rd January to 20th January) may define the direction of 2017 and the coming years in a very special way. On Sunday 15th January the international community, led by the outgoing Obama administration and the French government, is calling together 70 nations to an international peace conference to try to establish the parameters for a two state solution. The conference is a follow up from an earlier conference in Paris in the summer and builds on the recent UNSC resolution 2334 which outlaws Israeli settlements in the disputed territories.
“This is an unprecedented move in international relations which is being planned (plotted) in clear opposition both to the Israeli government and the incoming US government. Many [believe] that the conference could lead to another UN Security Council resolution being issued between 15th and 20th January, which would further isolate, weaken and stigmatise Israel in the international community.”
“If the above scenario were to come to pass, it could easily embolden terrorist groups or violent nations to take actions that could spark a regional or [possibly] even world war. This is during a season when we sense a breakthrough for harvest in the Middle East.
“Satan has tried to cut off a powerful missions movement in the past by using a world war.” The Student Volunteer Movement” born in 1886, was mightily used by the Lord to envision and send an unprecedented number of young missionaries from Germany, Great Britain, and the USA into unreached nations, especially those of the Far East. That missions movement was cut off by World War I, and the young men being sent from the three main sending nations, instead were sent into a war between those nations, and many died, and that missions movement came to an abrupt end.
“For the sake of the harvest, the rising missions movement, and the Lord’s purposes for Israel and the Middle East, I encourage you to proclaim the following Scriptures during your prayer (and any fasting to which the Lord may lead) at least until January 20th. I would encourage you to specifically proclaim them over former US President Jimmy Carter, President Obama, US Secretary of State Kerry, the US Department of State, French President Hollande, The International Criminal Court in the Hague, the United Nations Security Council, and the Foreign Ministry of Sweden (which will hold the rotating chairmanship of the UN Security Council during this month of January and who is extremely biased against Israel):
Psalms 33:10-11 – The Lord foils the plans of the nations; he thwarts the purposes of the peoples. But the plans of the Lord stand firm forever, the purposes of his heart through all generations.
Psalms 9:15-16 – The nations have fallen into the pit they have dug; their feet are caught in the net they have hidden. The Lord is known by his acts of justice; the wicked are ensnared by the work of their hands.
Job 5:12-16 – He thwarts the plans of the crafty, so that their hands achieve no success. He catches the wise in their craftiness, and the schemes of the wily are swept away. Darkness comes upon them in the daytime; at noon they grope as in the night. He saves the needy from the sword in their mouth; he saves them from the clutches of the powerful. So the poor have hope, and injustice shuts its mouth.
Psalm 120 – entire psalm
Jeremiah 30:8 – In that day, declares the Lord Almighty, I will break the yoke off their necks and will tear off their bonds; no longer will foreigners enslave them [in this context, speaking of Israel].”
Psalm 2 – entire psalm
Jeremiah 31: entire chapter, especially verses 10-12.
The call is organized by Global Watch “Upper Room” International: 8am-8pm Paris time. Be sure to convert to your particular time zone. (In US East Coast Time, that converts to 2am to 2pm. In US West Coast Time, that converts to January 14 11pm to January 15 at 11am. Please check for yourself for other time zones.)
Light of Zion is honored to lead the final and closing hour of the prayer watch. This converts to US East Coast Time 1pm and US West Coast Time 10am.
To Join from a PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android device, simply click:
To Join from an iPhone one-tap (US Toll): +16465588656,439785477# or +14086380968,439785477#
To Join from a US Telephone: Dial: +1 646 558 8656 (US Toll) or +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll). The Meeting ID number is 439 785 477.
“Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end….The zeal of the Lord Almighty will accomplish this.” (Isaiah 9:7)
本文接下来的部分引用了我们的好朋友、使徒性代祷领袖Rick Ridings上个星期发出的一封电子邮件。因为上帝显明给我(珊蒂)的事情与Rick所领受的一样,所以我们把他的信转发给你们。我们在文章的末尾附上本週日(1月15日)的一个全球祷告会和参与这个祷告会的指南。这个代祷活动与联合国讨论如何分割以色列是同步进行的。(这次守望祷告会全部以英文进行)
最近几天我强烈地感受到撒旦要发动一场很大的中东战争,甚至是第三次世界大战,这些战争不是在神的时间表内,其目的是阻止在中东地区和其他国家要到来的大收割。我从我的朋友和同工(欧洲为以色列联盟的主任:Tomas Sandell)那裡收到了下面的祷告事项,这个至关重要的时期直接指向1月20日这个重要的转捩点(是奥巴马卸任的时间)。这篇警报的题目是”决定2017年及其后的走向的17天”。我取得他的许可引用他所发来信息的一部分:
为了大收割、兴起的宣教运动以及主神对以色列和中东的命定,我鼓励你们在到1月20日的这段日子在你们的祷告(如果主感动你们,你们也可以禁食)中宣告下面的经文。我也鼓励你们特别使用这些经文在祷告中为为下面的这些领导人和部门宣告:吉米 卡特总统,奥巴马总统,美国国务卿凯瑞,美国国务院,法国总统何兰德,海牙国际罪犯法庭,联合国安理会以及瑞典外交部(其将在一月份持有安理会轮值主席位置,他们对以色列有极度的偏见。)
使用iPhone one-tap(美国):+16465588656,439785477# or +14086380968,439785477#
使用美国本地座机电话: +1 646 558 8656 或者 +1 408 638 0968 会议代码: 439 785 477
珊蒂和凯瑞 泰普林斯基