Daily Gospel “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.” John 6:68 | See gospel online |
Tuesday, January 10
Tuesday of the First week in Ordinary Time
Roman Ordinary calendarSee commentary below
Holy Gospel of Jesus Christ according to Saint Mark 1,21b-28.
Jesus came to Capernaum with his followers, and on the sabbath he entered the synagogue and taught. |
The people were astonished at his teaching, for he taught them as one having authority and not as the scribes. |
In their synagogue was a man with an unclean spirit; |
he cried out, “What have you to do with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are–the Holy One of God!” |
Jesus rebuked him and said, “Quiet! Come out of him!” |
The unclean spirit convulsed him and with a loud cry came out of him. |
All were amazed and asked one another, “What is this? A new teaching with authority. He commands even the unclean spirits and they obey him.” |
His fame spread everywhere throughout the whole region of Galilee. 根据圣马克 1,21b-28 的耶稣基督的神圣福音。 耶稣和他的门徒来到迦百农,在安息日进了会堂教导人。 人们对他的教导感到惊奇,因为他教导他们是作为一个有权柄的人,而不是作为文士。 在他们的会堂里,有一个人被污鬼附着; 他喊道:“拿撒勒人耶稣,你与我们有何相干?你是来毁灭我们的吗?我知道你是谁——上帝的圣者!” 耶稣责备他说:“住口!从他身上出来!” 污鬼使他抽搐,大声喊叫,就从他身上出来了。 大家都很惊讶,互相问:“这是什么?一个有权威的新教义。他甚至命令不洁的灵魂,他们也服从他。” 他的名声传遍了整个加利利地区 |
Copyright © Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, USCCB
![]() | Saint Cyril of Jerusalem (313-350) Bishop of Jerusalem, Doctor of the Church Catechetical Lectures; procatechisis (prologue), paragraph 9 |
He commands the evil spirits
(This sermon is adressed to the catechumens) Let your feet hasten to the catechisings; receive with earnestness the exorcisms : whether thou be breathed upon or exorcised, the act is to you salvation. |
Suppose you have gold unwrought and alloyed, mixed with various substances, copper, and tin, and iron, and lead: we seek to have the gold alone; can gold be purified from the foreign substances without fire? Even so without exorcisms the soul cannot be purified; and these exorcisms are divine, having been collected out of the divine Scriptures… For in like manner as those who are skilled in the goldsmith’s craft throw in their breath upon the fire through certain delicate instruments, and blowing up the gold which is hidden in the crucible stir the flame which surrounds it, and so find what they are seeking; even so when the exorcists inspire terror by the Spirit of God, and set the soul, as it were, on fire in the crucible of the body, the hostile demon flees away, and there abide salvation and the hope of eternal life, and the soul henceforth is cleansed from its sins and has salvation. |
Let us then, brethren, abide in hope, and surrender ourselves, and hope, in order that the God of all may see our purpose, and cleanse us from our sins, and impart to us good hopes of our estate, and grant us repentance that brings salvation. God has called, and His call is to you. 他命令邪灵 (这篇布道是针对慕道者的)让你的脚加速去参加问答;认真接受驱魔: 无论你是被吹气还是被驱魔,这对你来说都是救赎。 假设你有未锻造的金和合金金,混合了各种物质,铜、锡、铁和铅:我们寻求单独拥有金;金中的异物不用火能提纯吗?即使没有驱魔,灵魂也无法得到净化;这些驱魔是神圣的,是从神圣的圣经中收集来的…… 因为就像那些精通金匠手艺的人通过某些精密的仪器将他们的气息投入火中,并炸毁隐藏的黄金一样在坩埚中搅动环绕它的火焰,从而找到他们正在寻找的东西;即便如此,当驱魔者通过上帝的灵激起恐惧,将灵魂置于肉体的熔炉中燃烧时,敌对的恶魔便逃跑了,救恩和永生的希望就在那里,灵魂从此从罪孽中被清洗,并得到救赎。 那么,弟兄们,让我们活在盼望中,降服自己,存盼望,好让万有的上帝看出我们的目的,洗净我们的罪孽,赐给我们美好的希望,赐给我们悔改的心带来救赎。上帝已经呼唤,祂的呼召是给你的。 |