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Natan Sharansky, a Soviet-era refusenik and former Jewish Agency chairman, called on Russian Jews to leave while they can.

By David Hellerman, World Israel News

A delegation of Israeli officials is preparing to leave for Moscow in hopes of averting moves to shut down the Jewish Agency’s activities in Russia.

The Jewish Agency is a non-profit organization that facilitates aliyah and works closely with the Israeli government. The Kremlin accuses the Jewish Agency of illegally collecting information on Russian citizens interested in immigrating, an agency official told Israel Hayom.

The Israeli delegation will include representatives from the Foreign Ministry, the Prime Minister’s Office and other government officials.





According to a Channel 13 report, Israeli officials have assessed that Moscow’s move against the Jewish Agency is a diplomatic issue stemming from Israel’s support for Ukraine, and not a legal issue. The Jewish Agency denies breaking any Russian laws.

Around 150,000 Jews live in Russia. Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, an estimated 30,000 have already made aliyah, though many began their paperwork prior to the war.

On Friday, Natan Sharansky, a Ukrainian-born Soviet-era refusenik and former Jewish Agency chairman, called on Russian Jews to leave while they can.

根据第 13 频道的报道,以色列官员评估说,莫斯科对犹太机构的举动是源于以色列支持乌克兰的外交问题,而不是法律问题。犹太机构否认违反任何俄罗斯法律。

大约有 150,000 名犹太人生活在俄罗斯。自俄罗斯入侵乌克兰以来,估计有 30,000 人已经取得了 aliyah,尽管许多人在战前就开始了文书工作。
