Day 20


Bless the Arab minority in Israel with Your love and salvation. Prosper and reward those who are loyal citizens (Lev. 19:34).

Protect those fighting faithfully in the Israeli Defense Forces. Guide those holding positions of authority.

Convict and bring to repentance Israeli Arabs who seek the Jewish state’s destruction. Mercifully expose and overturn home grown terror cells and lone wolves before their schemes can be hatched. In the Body of believers and beyond, release forgiveness and reconciliation among Israeli Jews, Arabs, Arameans, Druze, Bedouin and other minorities (John 17:21).

Bless, strengthen, protect and embolden Israeli Arab Christians who genuinely follow Jesus. Where genuine injustice against Arab and other minorities exists, give wisdom and strategy to Israel for peaceable and speedy correction (Psalm 89:14).

20. 以色列籍阿拉伯人:

用你的愛和救恩祝福在以色列的阿拉伯少數族裔! 祝福和賞賜那些忠心的公民 ( 利未记 19:34 )

指示那些掌權的當行的路。光照那些企圖毀滅以色列的以色列籍阿拉伯人並使他們悔改。求你因著你的憐憫曝露和顛覆在以色列境內地恐怖組織以及那些獨自行動的恐怖分子, 使他們所謀的不能成就。在信徒中以及其他人中釋放在猶太人、阿拉伯人、亞蘭人、德魯茲人以及其他少數族裔中的彼此饒恕。( 约翰福音 17: 21 )

求祝福和保護跟隨耶穌的阿拉伯基督徒,使他們更加成熟並剛強壯膽。如果在任何地方存在迫害阿拉伯人和其他少數族裔的不公義事情,求主賜下智慧和策略和平的改正這些事情。( 诗篇 89:14 )