Day 4
Protect, mature, strengthen and empower Israeli believers in faith, hope, and most of all, love (1 Corinthians. 13:13).
Give them boldness to share Yeshua in fiery love, truth, signs and wonders. Raise up shepherds after Your own heart to pastor Your flocks (Jeremiah. 3:15).
Summon Israeli intercessors to stand in the gap before You in prayer for Your people (Ezekiel. 22:30). Reconcile male and female in Yeshua, that Messianic women might serve You and Your people, alongside Messianic men, free of unbiblical restraint (Galatians. 3:28). Provide spiritual and material resources for Messianic Israelis to serve you effectively as a light to Israeli society.
呼召以色列的代禱者在你面前站在破口之處為你的百姓禱告(以西結书 22:30)。在耶穌里使男女和好,使信彌賽亞的姊妹們能夠和弟兄們一起事奉你和你的百姓,免於不合聖經的束縛(加3:28)。讓信主的猶太人、阿拉伯人和其他族裔的群體在你裡面和好,如同“一個新人”般合一(詩133:1,弗2:15)。丰富供应彌賽亞以色列人事工在屬靈和物質上的所需。