一 我们若不为别人的话和别人的事而忙碌,而且不管与我们无干的事,我们就可享受极大的平安。 一个人若一意关心别人的事,而且总是向外寻找事情,却少有省察自己的机会,他怎能长久享受平安呢? 心意纯一的人有福了,因为他们要享受极大的平安。
二 为什么有些圣徒是那样的完全和好思呢?因为他们都曾下过工夫抑制他们对于世俗事物的欲望,所以才能以全心坚固自己在上帝的里面,而且能自由地进修。我们受欲念的牵制太多,而且又太贪恋暂时的事物。我们很少彻底地胜过一个罪行,心中也从没有热切地燃过追求不断进步的愿望,所以我们总是在不冷不热的状况中。
English Version:
Acquiring Peace and Zeal for Perfection 1
WE SHOULD enjoy much peace if we did not concern ourselves with what others say and do, for these are no concern of ours. How can a man who meddles in affairs not his own, who seeks strange distractions, and who is little or seldom inwardly recollected, live long in peace? Blessed are the simple of heart for they shall enjoy peace in abundance.
Why were some of the saints so perfect and so given to contemplation? Because they tried to mortify entirely in themselves all earthly desires, and thus they were able to attach themselves to God with all their heart and freely to concentrate their innermost thoughts. We are too occupied with our own whims and fancies, too taken up with passing things. Rarely do we completely conquer even one vice, and we are not inflamed with the desire to improve ourselves day by day; hence, we remain cold and indifferent.