Netanyahu and Julie Bishop

Australia stands with Israel. We support Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East,” the Australian prime minister stated.

Australia is not a member of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), but if it were, it would not have supported the anti-Israel resolution passed over a week ago, condemning Jewish settlements in eastern Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria as obstacles to peace, the prime minister and foreign minister indicated.

The UNSC vote passed 14-0. In a stunning shift in policy, the US abstained, rather than using its veto to block the resolution.

In a statement released Thursday, Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop said her country does not support “one-sided resolutions targeting Israel.”

Her government, she said, remains “firmly committed to a two-state solution, where Israel and a Palestinian state exist side by side in peace and security, within internationally recognized borders.”

At a Sydney synagogue, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull also slammed the UNSC resolution, calling it “one-sided” and “deeply unsettling,” the Australian Jewish News reported.





