From livestream

AMAZING Day of Mourning Saw Great Revival in the Church

Dear Friends,

How in the world did Saturday just happen? In three weeks, we organized a massive event with over 3,000 in attendance, streamed to 28 cities, with 34 thousand people watching the livestream at the same time! Only God! His hand is on this movement, folks!

“The heart of the wise is in the house of mourning…” (Ecclesiastes 7:4)

God’s people came together to cry out to the Lord and repent for 46 years of bloodshed. To beg Him for His mercy and to bring an end to the carnage and child abuse of abortion.


We humbly fell on our faces before Him, declaring the power of His name to break every chain and deliver our nation.

The Lord is faithful. He has truly been working through this movement and has ignited a powerful revival that we feel spreading through the church.

In such a dark and terrifying time when there has never been more glorification of the murder of the unborn, when those who promote abortion have never been bolder in their support of what has always been a heinous crime, the Lord is making His power known.

He has the keys to victory over death and will bring revival to this land.

Thank you, dear friends, for all your prayers over this groundbreaking event, for joining us in New York or from afar. We rely entirely on your prayers and support and covet them as we take this movement across the nation. Please also consider making a small donation to support our mission.

We are going to be visiting new cities and calling even more people to repentance, and trust fully that God will awaken our land to the power of His name and His Lordship!

In Him, we can bring an end to four decades of murder, and on the Day of Mourning, we saw just how close that is.

For Christ & His children,

Elizabeth Johnston

The Activist Mommy

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周六刚刚发生了什么? 在三周内,我们组织了一场大型活动,有超过3,000人参加,流向28个城市,同时有34,000人观看了直播! 只有上帝! 伙计们,他的手就在这个运动上!
上帝的子民聚集在一起呼求主,并悔改了46年的流血事件。 乞求他的怜悯,结束屠杀和虐待儿童的行为。
